Some Fun Facts You Might Not Know About Me

Sweet or salty? I am Team Salty all.the.way. Give me all the chips, crackers andything with a crunch. My love for chips runs deep, like real deep. The only chip I don't really like are chili cheese fritos and flamin' hot anything. Other than that, I could eat an entire bag of chips if IContinue reading "Some Fun Facts You Might Not Know About Me"

Favorite Organizing/Cleaning Amazon Finds (January Edition)

I think we can all agree by now that we all love Amazon! So here are my favorite organizing/cleaning January finds that I thought you might find useful as well. The Spin Mop: I was influenced by @gocleanco (the very best cleaning site on Instagram) and bought their favorite spin mop and I am inContinue reading "Favorite Organizing/Cleaning Amazon Finds (January Edition)"

When to Spend vs. Save on Organization Products

A big question is what products are worth spending the money on, because, yes it can get pricey depending on the space you are organizing. So I thought I would go over a couple of areas in the house I personally think are worth spending on and other areas you can save on. While itContinue reading "When to Spend vs. Save on Organization Products"

Five {Organizing} Favorite Finds From Amazon

I don't know about you, but I always love a good Amazon find!  I also enjoy seeing what others find and love.  So, I thought every so often I would share my favorite organizational finds from Amazon (and maybe a bonus find or two).  I absolutely love The Container Store and will be sharing myContinue reading "Five {Organizing} Favorite Finds From Amazon"

Confessions of an organizer: Not every room in my house stays organized

Happy 2020!!  Can you believe it, a new year, a new decade!  This time of year is all about organizational tips, decluttering challenges, ways to start the new year clutter free, which by the way, are all my favorite topics.  So much excitement and motivation to get organized this time of year.  Goodness, I loveContinue reading "Confessions of an organizer: Not every room in my house stays organized"

Absolute Favorite Amazon Finds

*This post contains affiliate links.  If the link is clicked and opened through a web browser and not the app I will potentially earn a small commission.* Amazon Prime Day just ended and I feel like I have packages coming for days!  Anyone else an Amazon Prime lover?!  So much great stuff.  I always love itContinue reading "Absolute Favorite Amazon Finds"

3 Easy Areas to Declutter That Won’t Make You Feel Overwhelmed

Does the thought of decluttering seem good in theory, but overwhelming in reality?  Is this something you can relate to?  Whether you wanting to attempt the Maria Kondo method or a simple spring cleaning, it can feel overwhelming. This is where I hope I can help!  As I have mentioned before in my 3 tipsContinue reading "3 Easy Areas to Declutter That Won’t Make You Feel Overwhelmed"

An Easy Method To Organize Your Paper Clutter

Does anyone else feel like they are drowning in paper even in our attempt to go “paperless”? My oldest son is in kindergarten and my younger two are in daycare/preschool and I feel like we are flooded with paperwork. This is a quick picture I took of my son's backpack and then all the papers. Continue reading "An Easy Method To Organize Your Paper Clutter"