Some Fun Facts You Might Not Know About Me

  1. Sweet or salty? I am Team Salty all.the.way. Give me all the chips, crackers andything with a crunch. My love for chips runs deep, like real deep. The only chip I don’t really like are chili cheese fritos and flamin’ hot anything. Other than that, I could eat an entire bag of chips if I wasn’t worried about my pants fitting me the next day. **Once I did actually eat an entire bag of Funyuns (a big regular size bag) in one sitting when I was pregnant with my first son.** And still love Funyuns to this day. They are one of my road trip snacks. πŸ™‚

2. I met my husband freshman year of college because we were both late to psycology class and had to sit on the front row beside eachother. We didn’t start dating till our sophmore year though.

3. I don’t like being barefoot. You will rarely, if ever, find me without shoes on. (The only exception is barre class.) I grew up on a caliche road so I didn’t run around barefoot as a kid and still to this day prefer to be in some type of shoe.

4. I have a bad habit of losing phones or breaking phones or dropping them in the water. It is a thing and I wish it wasn’t a thing.

5. Quality time is my love language. Quality time with family and friends fills my cup more than anything!

6. I have 57 stiches in my forehead from when I fell off a step ladder that was used to get to a water slide when I was 7. I cracked my head open all the way to my skull. Thankfully the ER Dr. did a pretty good job stiching me up, but caught in the right light /angle you can still see my scar. **I have gotten botox a few times to help with my 11’s between my eyebrows and it is funny that with fresh botox people notice my scar more. Ironic. Apparantly wrinkles help conceal the scar. Ha!**

7. I lost my Mom to cancer two months after I got married. I was 23. Cancer sucks. (That one isn’t really a *fun* fact I guess, but still part of me and my story.)

8. I can’t sing to save my life, but I LOVE music. So I play it really loud so I can sing along but drown myself out.

9. I love The Lord and am thankful for his sacrifice and grace every single day. (Obviously these facts are in no particular order. πŸ™‚ )

Published by Sarah

I am a declutter and organized by heart. My passion is to help people get in control of their stuff, therefore their life. I plan to show simple and realistic ways that you can do this in your own home. Follow me on Instagram @tacklingtheclutter for more detailed posts. Now let’s go tackle some clutter together!!

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