Absolute Favorite Amazon Finds

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Amazon Prime Day just ended and I feel like I have packages coming for days!  Anyone else an Amazon Prime lover?!  So much great stuff.  I always love it when bloggers share their amazon finds!  There is so much great stuff so I really enjoy seeing what other people have found and love on this great site, so I decided to do the same!  I am sharing my top 15 things I have bought off Amazon over the past several years.  I am only sharing items that I personally have purchased and kept and these top 15 are items are either game changers (in my opinion), something I use frequently or just something I think you shouldn’t live without.  Plus, most everything is under $50 except 1 item that is under $100.  So here we go!  (Of course I had to categorize them.)


  1. This is by far my #1 pick, so I am putting it at #1, but the rest are in no particular order. 🙂  THESE SHEETS are amazing!!  Seriously, for the price they can’t be beat.  The only regret I have in buying them is it makes it so much harder for me to get out of bed each morning.  They are a must have in my opinion.  I promise you will thank me later!!
  2. I have been sleeping with this particular white noise machine for almost 15 years!  Yes, I take this thing everywhere!  I am only on my second one in that amount of time, they last forever.  I use it ever.single.night. and travel with it too!  I can’t sleep without it, yes I am addicted.  I have the same one in my youngest son’s room and I have this white noise machine in my middle boy’s room.  We all love sleeping with our white noise!  So if you have trouble sleeping, give this a try!
  3. I love organization and uniformity.  It makes me giddy, what can I say.  About 6 months ago I decided my closet needed sprucing and I got rid of every wire hanger in our closet and replaced them with these velvet hangers.  (I got them in ivory.) WOW!!! What a difference that simple swap out made.  Our closet took on a whole different look!  I can’t even tell you what a difference it made.  So if you are looking to not spend a lot, but wanting to spruce up your closet space, I can’t recommend matching hangers highly enough.  I personally love the velvet ones because nothing slips off them, but you can use plastic or wood, just make sure they all match!  Uniform is key!  I bought these clips (in ivory) to hang my skirts with.  These velvet hangers are a closet game.changer!
  4. My husband made fun of me when he recently saw that I purchased this faux fur blanket (in ivory) in the middle of our 100 degrees Texas summer, but y’all, it.is.amazing!!  I have already used it several time snuggling on the couch, with the ac cranked.  I have been so tempted to buy a barefoot dream blanket that everyone raves about, but have had trouble spending the money on one.  I saw a blogger post about this and I decided for $36 I would give it a try and I was not disappointed!!  I will be buying more for gifts!  You won’t regret this purchase!
  5. So as I mentioned before I have been on a home sprucing kick lately.  I say sprucing because I mean just a small face lift to certain areas of our home that need (I want) updating, not a complete remodel though.  About a year ago I took to the bathrooms.  The bathrooms themselves are fine, but the fixtures were all outdated in my opinion.  So, again, not wanting to spend a fortune, I hopped on amazon to see what I could find.  I landed on this light fixture and I have been SO happy with the purchase.  The look is fresh and sleek and updated, but not overbearing or too contemporary.  I actually liked these fixtures so much I replaced every single bathroom light fixture and put this particular one in and just adjusted if I need the 3 or 4 lights. I updated the bath towel, hand towel and toilet paper holders as well and viola’, updated bathrooms with minimal time, money or effort!  


So I am an accessory girl, I love shoes, jewelry, purses, you name it.  So I was pumped to find so many affordable options on Amazon. I also recently bought these earrings in black, they have quickly some of my favorite statement earrings to wear.  They will spice up any outfit!

  1. I have been looking for a cute neutral crossbody purse, but avoided the designer ones because of the price.  This crossbody purse looks high end, but doesn’t come with the price tag of one.  It comes in tons of different colors, but I got it in blush and it goes with everything and it holds quite a bit too!
  2. I have this tassel statement necklace in both black and off-white (grey).  Again, just a simple way to spice up an outfit!  I can’t help but get excited when I find quality jewelry on amazon. I have bought a lot and not all is quality, but I have found a few things and those are the ones I am sharing!  (This would make a great gift for someone as well!)

Organization: (My favorite category!)

  1. If you are looking for some smaller organization containers I would suggest these, these, or these clear organizers, (or any combination), whatever fits your organizational needs.   I use these particular ones in my bathroom drawers and in my junk drawers.  I love the clean and crisp look of the the clear holders and they keep everything organized!
  2. Our family travels a lot and I used to put all my jewelry in a cute jewelry  bag, but it would get all mixed up and of course tangled. I finally let go of the “cute bag” look and opted to keep my jewelry organized by using this toiletry travel case instead. Another, game.changer.  Rings, bracelets and small items go in the top 3 compartments, earrings are color coordinated in the middle 3 and necklaces and bulkier items go in the bigger compartments.  I wont’ ever go back!!  This is simply the best way to travel with jewelry!  Plus, a lot of times, I hang this in my closet full so I don’t have to repack my jewels every time.  I just grab what I need out of it from day to day.  Saves a lot of time when packing.
  3. Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with tote purses?  Love the look and the room, but they quickly turn into a disorganized mess in no time flat.  Enter this amazing bag organizer!  Que all the praise hands!!!  (I bought the coffee color in size large because it matched my particular tote best, but the tan is a great neutral option as well.)  Again, organizational game.changer!  now you can actually find what you are looking for as your purse in no longer a bottomless pit!


  1. I don’t know about your kiddos if you have them, but my kid’s lunchboxes get so gross and dingy after about 6 months of use, although I make them use it for the whole school year.  While I am a huge fan of pottery barn, I prefer to buy these lunchboxes from amazon for my boys, especially the two that are in daycare.  They are inexpensive and the quality is good.  And at the price point I will still go have them monogrammed and I am still typically coming out under $20!  As fast as they get them dirty, I don’t want to spend a fortune, so amazon for the win again and my boys like the patterns them too!
  2. We are almost out of the diaper stage, almost! (I have had at least one child if not two in diapers for the past 6 years, whew.)  I have used several different diaper pails and finally found this Ubbi one with my 3rd and final child.  I wish I would have had it will all 3!  It was the best at containing the smell (again, it was not perfect as dirty diapers are in there, but it was pretty darn good if you ask me!)  I just used Target bags, small trash bags or even grocery sacks for inside the bin so I didn’t have to buy any.  Seriously, a great purchase if you have little ones in diapers or a lasting gift if you know someone expecting, they will thank you!


  1. My last and final one is this self tanner.  It works like a charm, is so easy to apply and gives your skin the look of a beautiful summer tan!  (The smell is very minimal in my opinion.)  I have used several, even other types of this brand and this spray one has been my favorite!!  If you don’t get in the sun much but want that summer glow, use this!  It works like a charm!!

Hope you enjoyed this round up of my must-haves from amazon.  Happy shopping!



Published by Sarah

I am a declutter and organized by heart. My passion is to help people get in control of their stuff, therefore their life. I plan to show simple and realistic ways that you can do this in your own home. Follow me on Instagram @tacklingtheclutter for more detailed posts. Now let’s go tackle some clutter together!!

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